Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Howdy listeners,

Official News Bulletin! Summer People has officially been rejected by the Toronto International Film Festival. Not to worry, though. We're still waiting to hear back from 5 more! Some of those will be more genre-based, which gives us a better sporting chance than going up against stuff like the Coens' latest movie.

Also worthy of note is a response that I recieved from the Library of Congress. I sent them a copy of Summer People to make sure that the movie has the protection of a registered copyright. Well... the letter they sent me said that they irradiated (destroyed) the copy while screening for anthrax.

And, if anyone's interested in what I've been up to, other than trolling the festival waters with Summer People and/or getting copies of my work irradiated by our Government, I've completed a new vampire script (which I'd been brainstorming while working on Summer People), and my father and I have written the first draft of a biker movie.

As far as the real world is concerned (until I make the big time), I'd been planning to attend Cal. State Fullerton to earn a masters degree in English, while making ends meet as a tutor. Unfortunately, my application, after having been considered by the English Department for six months, was mysteriously lost during a transition of computers and software at the university. Now I'm on week three of being jerked around by the incompetent boobs who represent the highest levels of learning in our good country.

Such proceedings can seriously make a guy want to fire-bomb said institution, enroll at a city college for $20 a credit hour (vs. $300) and experience the simplicity of an easy enrollment process and a fine education (albeit without a piece of paper to show for it), while awaiting capture and imprisonment and the subsequent years of quiet reflection - during which I would write my memoirs.

Peace be with you (unless you work in a bureaucracy - in which case you have your own private hell, anyway),

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